“During these uncertain times, Embrace Digital continues to take all possible steps to ensure the health and well-being of our staff, whilst also providing our usual level of service to our customers.  On this basis, we were quick to implement a work from home only policy, with all of our services available remotely.

“Should any of our existing customers or network of contacts need any support in taking their capture, workflow or document management capabilities remote in support of home working, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us to discuss your options further.

“We appreciate the very difficult circumstances under which we are all operating and offer our best wishes and support to all of our industry colleagues struggling with illness or operational challenges at this time.  We would also like to offer our heartfelt thanks to all of the front line employees and key workers who are tirelessly working for our benefit; we truly appreciate your dedication, professionalism and care.”

Chris Thomas
Managing Director
Embrace Digital