If paper is still driving processes within your organisation, then you may have found the recent crisis even more challenging. Whether it was an inability to access customer correspondence, supplier invoices, important HR records or other information, it will have resulted in delay and frustration, and inhibited your organisation’s ability to fulfil client requests and make business decisions.

Whilst a gradual easing of the lockdown commences with the possibility for some to return to their places of work, there is a need to manage this transition carefully. Realistically, cautious restraint, social distancing requirements and the need for children to still be cared for at home, are likely to mean that employees will return to the workplace subject to the demands of their role (do they actually need to be on site) and likely on a rota or part-time basis.

Making sure that you can facilitate more flexible working arrangements, can process the same volumes with fewer staff, and be prepared should there be a need to return to lockdown or similar situations in future, is vital.

Aside from the practical need for a phased return, expectations have changed when it comes to remote work. Those unfamiliar with home working have now had a taste of the greater balance this can bring to working life and home relations. Many companies have already expressed a desire to revisit their current office space requirements and to reconsider their future needs.   There is likely to be less business travel for some time, and there will be an impact on recruitment as the need for colleagues to live within a commutable distance is potentially removed.

Fortunately, digitisation and automation are established processes that are accessible to firms wanting to remove paper handling from their business – for the short and long-term. Companies were already making the transition to paperless in many areas – mailroom automation, accounts payable automation , HR records, client records. Most cases are driven by efficiency and cost reduction, with customer service improvements and mobile working were already important considerations.

Solution: An affordable mailroom solution to digitise & automatically route documents 

Solution: Maximising efficiencies within your existing CRM, ERP & CMS

Even under normal circumstances, paper handling is problematic and time consuming – with the potential for lost documents, duplication and lack of compliance to agreed processes. There is an opportunity to implement technology now that will help you to digitise and distribute documents effectively to teams working remotely, that will facilitate greater efficiencies and more resilience for the long term.

If you are still processing paper and want to understand what options are available to you, then please get in touch. Our highly experienced team can advise you on the best route to automation, that is suitable for your business, any current limitations, expectations, and budget.

From a simple scanning solution that allows documents to be shared remotely, to larger automation projects that transform discrete processes, we are happy to provide advice and help for anyone considering how their processes can be more effective, and resilient, in future.

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