Whether you rely on a legacy or new JD Edwards (JDE) instance or are looking at migrating to a new Invoice processing platform in 2024, over the last 20+ years the Embrace Digital team has developed and deployed Accounts Payable workflow and capture solutions, building a strong reputation and extensive knowledgebase in the field. Today, Embrace Digital is a go to and trusted solutions provider for inbound finance document process automation and intelligent invoice processing solutions.
Delivering and supporting leading technologies, we help organisations streamline a variety of manual finance business processes and tasks, not only reducing your operational costs, error rates, repetitive manual administration steps, held invoices and invoice approvals but improving your day-to-day relationship with both customers & suppliers. With greater data analytics, eliminating printing of email invoices, reducing bottom line OpEx costs and greater adherence to internal procurement policies we can streamline your processes to maximise your resources.
Lights Out Processing
You may manually process items into your JDE system or already have an automated invoice document and electronic capture solution which is falling short of the automation promises. In 2023, after 30 years of dedicated OCR and workflow development, technologies implemented by the Embrace Digital team, such as Kofax and ABBYY will accurately capture and process multi format invoices, streamlining your internal invoice workflow and reducing the potential for human errors. However, the right technology needs to not only fully support an integration with JD Edwards, but a potential future upgrade to EnterpriseOne or another ERP platform too.
The Embrace Digital team has experience with JDE inputs and outputs, ensuring that your invoice capture automation will fully support your JDE requirements alleviating many manual steps and allowing the finance team to focus on more active and higher value customer, internal and supplier functions or touch points. Furthermore, should you wish to migrate away from JDE at a future date, our solutions are future proof and support many leading Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Finance management systems.
Customer Successes
Embrace Digital helped Devro, a Global Food and Beverage manufacturer, capitalise on their existing JDE install and automate the receipting and posting of invoices across 3 shared service centres into their JDE ERP system. Working collaboratively with the Devro Finance and Applications teams, Embrace Digital delivered an Accounts Payable capture and workflow solution to the Moodiesburn team which was rolled out globally across Europe, Asia and America. Ingesting data from JDE to aid capture, review and approval steps the solution allows for invoices to be scanned or imported electronically before having key data extracted and automated matching and approval performed for PO invoices. For non-PO invoices, a user-friendly interface allows for coding and review prior to manual approval. Finally, the extracted data is exported to JDE for onward ingestion prior to a data feedback loop providing payment information for reporting and key performance indicators.
More recently, again working globally, Embrace Digital has engaged with a services organisation to review an existing manual invoice capture system, implementing OCR as a building block for full Accounts Payable workflow soon. Again, linking to JDE, the customer has already seen improvements to the way in which invoices can be picked up and processed and is looking forward to future efficiencies in Phase Two of the work.
With the advent of suppliers wanting stronger and more productive relationships with their customers, efficiency, transparency, visibility and auditability are key. Allowing for ingestion from anywhere, work from anywhere solutions, the ability to quickly ingest invoices, understand liabilities, resolve queries and make approvals on the go is a must.